Monday, March 16, 2020

Coronavirus and current court schedule

Below is from the Bar Association for Montgomery County. It is helpful if you are a litigant.  It was put out on 16 March 2020:

Call the courthouse before going to Court.  One, check to see if your matter is being heard.  Two, if your matter is being heard, is there an option to appear telephonically?  The Court is working on how to have more attorneys and litigants appear remotely.
The Rules Committee is meeting today to decide what rules need to be changed temporarily.  We know an extension of the Hicks waiver is being discussed.  Unclear if discovery rules will be extended. 
Sheriffs will be at the doors of the Circuit Court building starting today and if you don’t need to be in the building for one of the matters listed below or on the docket, you won’t be let into the building. 
The dropbox outside Court will be available for filings.  Will be checked every 30 min. during business hours.

These matters are considered emergencies and will still be heard:
Bail reviewsArraignmentsEmergency habeas corpus
Juvenile detention hearings/emergency detention hearingsCINA shelter and adjudications on shelter careDom. vio. pro. petitionsAppeals from peace ordersFamily law emergenciesTemporary restraining ordersEmergency eval petitionsQuarantine/isolation petitions    -will go to J. Greenberg and will be held remotelyExtraditionsHicks waivers determinationsSearch warrantsBody attachmentsContempt

If I am your attorney you can call me and I will figure it out for you.

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